Hakon-------by Lennox MacDuff------cpmills@indiana.edu http://members.tripod.com/~movieland/gargoyles Summary: Ever wonder where the Gargoyles’ most hated foe came from? Rated PG for language. Hello! Thanks for having a look at my story! This is my first fanfic, so any comments would be GREATLY appreciated. This story was greatly inspired by the story "Owen’s Memoirs", by Jennifer Vail. It’s a great story, I suggest you read it (before or after this one, it really doesn’t matter. They have no bearing on each other). I was watching "Gargoyles: Awakenings" when I thought to myself *Self, that Hakon dude is a really mean guy. But where did he come from?* I thought about it and thought about it, and in the end I decided to write this fanfic to explain it. And now, for the legal stuff. If you really think that _I_ created the Gargoyles characters, then you really haven’t een out much. Disney, please don’t sue. Also, I use some lines directly from the show. Again, please don’t sue. If anything, guys, it’s free advertising. With that out of the way, may I present---- <^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^>^<^><^>^<^>^<^> **HAKON** "YOU LYING SCUM!" With a yell, the Captain of the Guard ran at Hakon. Surprised, Hakon let go of the princess’ arm as the Captain lunged at him. All three were thrown over the edge of the cliff. As Hakon began to scream, he saw the beast the Captain called Goliath grab the princess’ arm, pulling her to safety. The air began to rush up faster as the two men fell downward. Amid his screams, Hakon remembered a different kind of scream, one he had uttered long ago... "Please father!" Andrew sighed. "For the last time, no." "But why not?" pleaded Hakon, tears beginning to well in his eyes. "Oh, now don’t start wailing like a baby. I’ve told you before as I’m telling you now, you’re only ten and too young to go on a raid." "I can handle myself!" Andrew sighed again, one of many he had uttered during the conversation. No, conversation wasn’t the word. During the _argument_. *Why am I even arguing with the boy?* thought Andrew. *Why does he not just do as I say, as I did with _my_ father?* Then again, Hakon always had been a stubborn child, egar to follow in his father’s footsteps. Andrew smiled as he remembered his son’s eyes grow wide at the stories he told him about the various raids that he and his men went on. "I’m tired of this discussion," Andrew said. "Very well, you can go." Hakon let out a whoop of joy, and Andrew couldn’t help but to admire the boy’s enthusiasm. His face remained hard, in spite of his pride. "But if you make trouble..." "No sir!" Hakon quickly said. "I won’t make trouble. I’ll be a big help! You’ll see!" Hakon ran off, fighting imaginary warriors with a stick that he liked to pretend was a great sword. Andrew chuckled to himself, trying to decide which of his men he should trust to look after Hakon. "Have you gone mad?!" Andrew winced. He had hoped that his wife had not overheard. Viking warrior or not, Andrew didn’t like confronting his wife when she was angry. "No, Sarah," he said, as he turned to face his wife. She was small, a full foot shorter than he, but there were times when he felt she could defeat an entire army all the same. "The boy will be well taken care of. Besides, we are attacking Wickland. It’s people are weak, they won’t put up much of a fight." "Whether they are warriors or cowards, I don’t want my Hakon tagging along!" Andrew took his wife into his arms. She tried to pull away, but he held her fast. "Nothing will happen to Hakon, I promise you that. Have I ever broken my word to you?" "No, but...Andrew, he’s only ten! Don’t you think he’s too young to go on one of your raids?" "Come now, my love. I was only eleven when my father took me on my first raid, and he was even younger than I was when his father took him. It’s tradition." "Well...tradition or not, if he gets hurt, I’ll take it out of your backside!" Sarah pinched Andrew, and pulled back from him. "Oh really?" replied Andrew with a grin. "And how do you know I won’t enjoy it when you do?" Andrew lunged at her. She jumped out of the way, a smile spreading over her face. "Now, we’ll have none of that. I’m cooking dinner." "Dinner can wait!" said Andrew as he scooped up his wife. She screamed as he began to tickle her. "Had enough?" "Yes! Yes!" cried Sarah, laughing so hard tears were streaming down her face. Andrew stopped tickling her. She looked him in the eyes. "I really do hate you, you know." "Oh, I don’t think that’s true," Andrew replied. He looked back at his wife’s gaze, and saw the love in her eyes. "I love you." Sarah smiled. "Aye, and I you. Now let me down, I have to cook!" "I told you, dinner can wait!" He carried his wife into the bedroom and closed the door. The next morning, Hakon got up extra early to get his chores done in time to go with his father. At noon his father came in the house. "Ready boy?" he asked. "Yes sir!" Hakon replied, jumping into his father’s arms. "Oof! Get down, before you tumble me over!" Andrew and Hakon walked to the dock, where the ship was already manned and ready to go. Hakon ran on board and sat on a barrel. "Are you ready then?" asked his father. "All right. Let’s be off, men! May we have a good bounty!" The ship sailed across the cold waters. In the next day and a half, Hakon watched all of the men go about their jobs with fascinated awe. Among them all, his father stood at the front of the ship, occasionally giving out an order. He watched Andrew with admiration, wanting to be just like him one day. His father was the leader of their village, and one day he might be too. Hakon walked around the ship, watching all of the jobs being done. As the men did their rigging, mopping, stacking or hammering, they all sang mighty songs of war and glory that rang in Hakon’s ears. He watched his father sing along with them, his caring for all of them obvious. Hakon stared at his father and admired him even more. Soon they reached the tiny fishing village of Wickland. Although Hakon had not heard his parent’s conversation, Andrew was right in what he had said. The people of Wickland were in no way warriors, and didn’t stand a chance of defending themselves against their attack. Not that they didn’t try. "A man will fight his fiercest when defending his home," his father once told him. Hakon saw that this was true. The villagers saw the ship approaching, and knew what it meant. Cries of warning and alarm swept through the village. The men ran for whatever weapons they had, while the women and children were quickly rushed to safety. The weapons the village possessed were not much, mostly pitchforks and hoes with a few swords here and there. Hakon looked at them from the ship, and was almost sorry for them. Almost. When the ship was close enough to the shore, Andrew’s men jumped out and began to run through the shallow water to shore. Hakon was about to jump down into the water when his father grabbed him by the shirt. "No Hakon," he yelled. "You stay here." "But father," Hakon began. "No buts! You stay here!" Andrew smiled. "Besides, someone needs to stay behind to guard the boat. Can you do that for me?" "Yes sir!" cried Hakon, his chest swelling with pride. "Good boy! Now stay here, and wish me luck!" With that, Andrew was in the water, running to join his men. The fight was very one sided. As Hakon observed, the villagers didn’t stand a chance. He watched as his father’s men tore through the villagers. Death screams echoed in Hakon’s ears, and his eyes widened as he watched the fight. He so wanted to join his father, to fight along side him. But, that was not his job. His job was to guard the ship, and he was not about to let his father down. The fight was over rather quickly. Most of the villagers dead, the Vikings were free to loot the village. A few hours later they were sailing home, the ship laden with bounty. Andrew walked over to his son and patted him on the head. "You did well, by son. I’m proud of you." As Hakon began the fall to his death, he twisted his body to avoid the jagged points rushing past him. If he would die, at least he would try to make it painless. A rock came up to greet him, tearing into the flesh of his arm. Hakon howled in pain... He grabbed his arm, as if trying to hold the pain at bay. The cut had been deep. He stumbled backward, the soldier he was fighting seeing opportunity. Hakon rolled as the soldier stabbed down, and barley missed being impaled on the point of the soldier’s spear. Hakon began to panic. *What am I doing here?!* he thought. *I’m only fifteen, I can’t fight in a battle!* The soldier lunged at Hakon again, and this time Hakon somehow managed to get to his feet. Delirious with pain, he began to run. The soldier chased Hakon through the battlefield, trying to catch him and finish what he had started. Tears blurred Hakon’s vision as he ran. He tripped and tumbled to the ground. The soldier stood above him, laughing. He was about to end Hakon’s misery when an arrow shot through the air, ripping through the soldier’s throat. As blood poured down his chest, the soldier made a final gurgle as he died. Hakon looked in the direction the arrow had come from and saw his father running to him. The blood loss was beginning to make Hakon black out, and he saw his father lean over him before everything went black. The darkness began to fade away, and Hakon tried to see where he was. *Am I dead?* he thought. *Is this Valhalla?* He opened his eyes to see Andrew standing over him, his face full of worry. "Hakon! Thank Odin you’re alive! I thought I’d lost you!" Hakon looked around. He was on the ship, sailing back homeward. "I’ve failed you, father," Hakon said miserable. "I was defeated. I don’t deserve to fight alongside the others." "Hey now," said his father. "You have done no such thing. You are still a boy, and you were fighting a soldier almost twice your age. All in all, you did pretty well." "But...I lost," Hakon insisted. "All that means is that you’re not ready yet. Maybe I’ll take you on a raid again in a year. But for now, get some sleep. When you’re strong enough, we’ll start your training. For a while, you had him right where you wanted him. I’m proud of you, son." "But...but..." But it was too late. A deep, dreamless sleep overtook Hakon. A year later, Andrew took Hakon on another raid, true to his word. It had been only a year, but the change in Hakon had been remarkable. He was a full half foot taller, and much broader in the shoulders. He had the beginnings of what would become a full beard, and he could lift three sacks of flour without any strain. As the ship arrived at its destination, Andrew pulled his son aside. "Remember what I taught you, my son," he said. "Be proud and strong, and never show fear." "I will, father," replied Hakon, his voice possessing more confidence than his spirit. *Am I ready for this?* he thought. Hakon looked into his father’s face. Andrew beamed at his son with pride. *Yes* thought Hakon. *I can do it. With my father behind me, I can do anything.* Hakon ran into the small town, his sword ready for battle. A warrior came to meet his challenge. Hakon looked him over quickly. He was about the same size as Hakon, and a little older. The warrior attacked first, and Hakon fended off the attack without effort. The battle was over within minutes. Every time the warrior attacked, Hakon defended himself like a master and countered. First blood was his, and second, and third. He felt a rush of power flow through him as he beat the warrior to the ground. With a final blow, His foe was no more. Hakon stood over the corpse of the fallen warrior, and let loose a mighty cry of victory. He had defeated a warrior, he had won! But it was more than that. He had not simply defeated the warrior, he was superior to him. He was the master. For the first time in his life, Hakon felt like he was in charge. And he liked it... Hakon screamed as the cavern floor rushed up to meet him. At least he had the pleasure of knowing that that miserable Captain of the Guard would die as well. Hakon looked at the Captain as they fell, and saw the fear in the man’s eyes. *Good* thought Hakon. *He’s afraid. Let that bastard die afraid* As the ground came into sight, Hakon thought of another time he had that same thought... "Attack, men! Show no mercy!" The men ran into he village, swords drawn. Hakon was now a strong young man of twenty three, and his father’s second-in-command. He looked behind him, and saw his father resting against a tree. The years had not been kind to the old man, and he appeared much older than he really was. A serious wound to the leg some time earlier had left him with a severe limp, and he was no longer able to lead his men into attack himself. Instead, he lead through his son, who had turned into a fine warrior in his own right. Hakon ran into the village, his broadsword flying. The men who stood in his way posed no challenge for his might, and they had soon killed almost off of the village’s warriors. The man ran through the streets, taking whatever they could carry. Hakon charged into the doorway of a small house, where a young woman was hiding in fear. He smiled and redrew his sword. The woman’s eyes widened in fear as she begged him in a hoarse whisper not to hurt her. Hakon walked into the house. From a short distance, Andrew saw his son draw his weapon and walk into the small dwelling. *What’s he up to?* Andrew thought. *All of the village’s warriors are dead, the place is ours. Why would he still need his broadsword?* Andrew began to hobble over to the small house to find out for himself. "Please, please don’t hurt me!" cried the woman, her arms in front of her face as if to offer some protection. Hakon looked her over. She was in her late teens, and quite lovely. Her autumn hair flowed down over her shoulders, and her skin was like smooth silk. *Pity,* thought Hakon. *But I can’t risk having her attack while I’m not looking.* A venomous grin spread over Hakon’s face, as he lifted his broadsword to deliver a deathblow. "Stop!" yelled his father’s voice from behind him. Hakon turned around to face his father, who was leaning against the door frame for support. "What are you doing?" Andrew asked in astonishment. "What does it look like I’m doing. I’ll leave no one to risk jeopardizing our plunder." Hakon turned back to the girl, and raised his sword again. Andrew grabbed his wrist, and pulled him around. "The village is ours! You have no need of killing a helpless woman!" Hakon pushed his father away. "Of course we do! She could be trouble. We can’t take the chance. Besides, killing is our way! I’ve seen you do it dozens of times!" "Hakon," Andrew said, his voice filling with concern. "To kill while in battle is one thing, but we are not murderers. I taught you better than that." "You taught me to survive, and that’s what I’m doing." Hakon whirled around, and swung at the woman. Andrew lunged at him, pushing him aside before his sword could reach it’s mark. Seeing her opportunity, the young woman ran from the house, screaming. "What are you doing?!" cried Hakon in rage. "I’m still the leader of this clan, and you will do as I say!" "You are a foolish old man. Age has feebled your mind. How dare you stop me from killing her!" Andrew looked at his son with rage. "I dare because I am your father. You shall do as I say! I LEAD THIS CLAN!" "Not anymore," replied Hakon, as he ran his sword through his father’s gut. Andrew’s blood ran over Hakon’s hand, and he stared up at his son, who was wearing an evil grin. "Betrayer..." gasped Andrew, as he fell to the floor. Hakon looked down at his father’s corpse, and spat. *Weak old fool* he thought. *I will take these men to victories that you could never have dreamed.* Hakon walked outside, still holding the bloody sword in his hand. "Hear me now!" he yelled to the men. All of them stopped what they were doing to listen. "My father is dead, slain by my own hand!" The Vikings looked to each other in disbelief. How could this man, who as a boy was so loyal to his father, commit such an atrocious act? "My father was a weak fool, who could not see the possibilities for all of us! I am now leader, and I will take us to victories that we have never dreamed! Does anyone dare oppose me?" The men looked to each other. Hakon was the mightiest warrior in the clan, and by tradition he had earned the leadership. One by one, they began to chant. "HAKON! HAKON! HAKON! HAKON! HAKON!" Hakon landed on the cavern floor with a sickening thump. He groaned, feeling the blood pour out of him. As the world around him went black, he thought of how his doom had started, when he announced to his men where his next target would be... "CASTLE WYVERN?! ARE YE MAD??" Looks of worry spread over the men. "What’s the matter?" demanded Hakon. Do you think we can’t overthrow it’s army? We have grown strong since I took command! We can do it!" One brave man stepped forward. "It’s not the men we fear, Hakon. Castle Wyvern is protected by monsters." "Come now. I’ve heard the stories just as you have. Fearsome gargoyles that come to life when the sun sets to protect the castle. I say now they are just stories and legends! My grandmother used to tell me tales of dragons when I was a child, but that doesn’t make them real." "Yes, but these are more than stories. The gargoyles _are_ real!" Hakon jumped down off of the table he was standing on and grabbed the man by the throat. "Listen, Eric, you sniveling coward. I’ll hear no more of this. We attack Castle Wyvern. We have enough of an arsenal that we can destroy the inhabitants, and any monsters that may be hiding within." A nervous laughter spread through the Vikings. "Gather our arms! I want catapults as well. We leave for Castle Wyvern in the morning! And we all go! The entire clan! We’ll need great numbers if we are to defeat them. Remember! A man will fight his fiercest when defending his home." Hakon began to walk away from his nervous men. "But Hakon," began Eric. "If we leave in the morning, it will be almost sunset when we arrive..." Hakon snapped around. Eric saw the fury in his eyes and said no more. The next night they arrived at the castle. The people within were taken by surprise as they began the attack. Archers appeared at the castle walls, and the arrows began to rain down. Using the catapults, the Vikings were able to smash down a few areas of the wall. The archers began to shoot flaming arrows, and soon the entire area was ablaze. In the midst of the battle, Eric leaned over to the Viking standing next to him. "Attacking a castle full of gargoyles near nightfall. This is crazy, and Hakon knows it." Hakon, who had been standing right behind him, grabbed Eric by the shoulder and whirled him around. "No, my _friend_," he said, a dangerous rage filling his eyes. "That’s not crazy. Questioning my sanity when I’m in earshot, _that’s_ crazy." Hakon pushed Eric away. "I say those gargoyles are naught but chiseled stone," he yelled. "And even if they aren’t, it’s worth the risk for the plunder within." Hakon drew his sword. "ATTACK!!" The entire Viking army ran toward the castle. The catapults continued to pulverize the castle wall as Hakon and a few other men threw grappling hooks up the parapet wall. As they scaled up, Hakon squinted to block out the glare of the setting sun. His rope led him to the top, next to the largest of the statues. *A handsome statue* he thought. *It will look nice on my own wall* As he stared, the stone form began to crack. Hakon’s eyes widened in fear. *By Odin, it was true!* The statue burst into life, eyes aglow. The gargoyle grabbed Hakon by the wrist and held him aloft. It opened it’s mouth and spoke with a deep, rumbling voice. "You...are trespassing." *Yes* Hakon thought to himself as he lay dying. *The battle went badly. If not for those damned gargoyles, the castle would be mine. I got them though. I got them...* Hakon sat in the mouth of a cave, brooding over his loss as he ate a leg of mutton that wasn’t even cooked all the way. A shadow passed over him. He looked up to see a stranger, his face covered by the hood of his cloak. "What do you want?" grumbled Hakon. "You seek the fall of Castle Wyvern," said the stranger in a hushed, yet oddly familiar, voice. Hakon looked up, interested but unsure. Was this man mocking him? *If he is, he’ll die for it* Hakon thought. "What of it?" "Perhaps a bargain can be made." Hakon tossed his mutton aside. This might be worth hearing. "I’m listening." The stranger pulled back his hood to reveal a long, gray mustache and a round, balding face. "You are the Captain of the Guard!" Hakon gasped. "What are you doing here?" "As I said," answered the Captain, his voice returning to it’s usual thick Scottish accent. "I wish to make a bargain. I help you take the castle. In return, you leave the castle be. Take the people prisoner, and bring them with you. You may loot as you wish but the castle itself is to remain unharmed." Hakon thought it over. "Why are you so concerned with the castle? That’s where those beasts roost. I would think you’d thank me for smashing it to the ground. "No!" ordered the Captain, his voice carrying more force than it ever had before. "The gargoyles you leave alone. They won’t bother you. They are stone by day. You know that." "They won’t bother me, will they?" *I can’t take that risk* thought Hakon. *Of course I’ll smash those stone monsters. But this fool doesn’t need to know that...* Hakon pulled a long face, trying to conceal his glee in the situation. "Hmmm...doesn’t sound like much of a challenge. And I hate taking prisoners. But...all right. I accept." The two men shook hands. "Tomorrow morning, you and your men make your attack," said the Captain as he pulled his hood over his head. "I’ll have things ready for you." The Captain remounted his horse and rode back toward Castle Wyvern. Hakon watched him leave. *Can I trust him? Ah, what’s the matter. Even if he tries to betray us, we can still beat them easily. Besides, I want a chance to even the score with those beasts...To smash those stone bastards to pieces...it is worth the risk* Before he died, Hakon heard Goliath roar far above him. "I have been denied everything! EVEN MY REVENGE!!!" *Yes beast* thought Hakon, the darkness surrounding him. *But mark my words, I too will have my revenge... someday...* As the darkness took him, he felt hatred, bitter hatred. Never before had he had someone that this much he could hate... Revenge...